Frequently asked questions
How fast will my order be shipped?
Orders are dispatched from Australia, within 2 business days and shipping time will depend on the destination country and related customs clearance delays. Shipping is fully traceable, with real-time status updates.
Is this product for human consumption?
Despite being ubiquitous in nature, studied since 1985 and normally found inside a healthy gut microbiome, Oxalobacter formigenes is not yet a registered / approved therapeutic in most countries. As such, this product is not permitted to be sold for human consumption and no therapeutic claims can be made. It is sold for educational and research purposes only.
What happens if my order doesn’t arrive?
In the unlikely event that something unexpected happens during shipping, our “peace-of-mind” policy is to simply send you a replacement for your order.
Where can I find more information?
Research articles on O. formigenes can be found on the About page.